
Oh... It's been a long, LONG time!
I've been pretty bushed in school, with all those tests (like I study, haha) and case study. yeah. CASE STUDY. I've been out of the Blogworld for a month, and I missed it! Today's the only time I've finally had a chance to grab the chair and do some stress-relieving activities like blogging. (refer to my previous entry).

Well, I actually want to say a lot of things, from disaster to some funny, tickling moments. But let me share something...
Have you ever experienced waking up every morning feeling a bit queasy for the day ahead, wishing for the time to quickly pass, thinking if you could just think straight and avoid overanalyzing petty things that would in the end give you a feeling of mild chagrin...and see life in a different perspective by trying to remember stuffs that have brought pleasant memories? uhuh. pretty long, eh? But do see my point? It's actually feeling bothered. In a few hours you'll be dragged into a different new world called 'School' or 'Office' and then you'd go blank right after you thought you can actually ace it.
But you didn't. You flunked. All your thoughts go haywire, finding answers to why you failed when a minute or so ago you thought you'd be all right.
Have you experienced that?

Of course.
I'm having some cephalic problems, actually.
Not that I went mental.
no, no.
I think I just lack focus.
Or is it simply that I don't mind at all?

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