
One thing about October is Jeth's birthday.
oh, not the REAL Jeth. (Hi to Jeth! I mean, Pearl.) No. The Jeth I'm talking about is the main character of my series. I can't put her age here, coz in my story I didn't specify her year of birth. But really, does it matter?

I like her. Harhar. Not that I'm the one who introduced her to the outside world. It's because she's tough. She's someone you couldn't fool by anything. Yeah. She's intelligent! Not only that, but she's very very...cool. Aw, listen to yourself, Bem! Anyway, yeah. She's cool and yup, she's got looks too, only she doesn't see herself like that.
I want to say a lot of things about her, but I'll be spoiling if I go overboard! Hehe...

But there's one thing I can't deny about her:

She's one hell of a tough girl.

Happy birthday Jeth!

(I really hope I can write soon. But I need to have a USB to save my files. Our computer's precariously on the brink of a breakdown. Waaah, I'll scream real loud if one day I'd come home and have a deader computer than any other day!!)

*I'm addled on what to do...

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