
~Christmas party was uber fun! Karaoke was a blast!
~Thanks for the gifts, guys! Thanks Mehlai! I love your gift! And to April too! Thank you Thank you!
~I'd like to try a new kind of outfit...
~I wish for roller blades...
~It's fun to eat buffet leftovers in a friend's dormitory with nothing but just plastics wrapped around our right hands and a cold liter of coke with a lot of funny stories to tell. :)
~Pretty tired yesterday... still had my outfit on upon waking up. nyahahaha..
~Ya, Fat, April, Dianne, Mara, Karen, Inoc, Cham S (S mole), Idol Danilyn, Dan... you guys ROCK!
Let's have another karaoke session soon!
~I kinda liked my outfit... weee..
~There were a lot of STRESSORS in the morning (really pathetic), but we made it up in the afternoon. Way to go!
~Everything's gonna be fine, Ya. Everything's gonna be fine.
~Benj! You rock too! Had a funny and wacky talong game..
~Jo and Tayo, thanks for being there. Your presence meant a lot to us throughout that mini event. It made me feel calmer and more in control of myself and of the situation. Thank you, thank you!
~Alex! waaaaaaaa... I'm speechless! Ü
~Jhee, you're the best! Jen, I like your outfit! Monece, you looked so demure and hot at the same time! (naks!) hahaha..
~Twin! I haven't seen you! Wish we could have an overnight horror movie marathon in Ya's place..

♪I just haven't met you yet ♪

~Sorry, I was being selfish. I just wanted him for a day.
Amardz. hahahaha..

♀break time...♀

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