
^ How's Math doing? Great. But it's starting to make me nuts.
^ Why is archery such an interesting sport? Well, it's not just mere targeting and releasing the arrows through bows. It requires a sharp mind.
^ Those who ask are fools for five minutes, but those who do not ask are fools forever.
^ Does TIME always heal all wounds? No. It's just a medium. What heals is your CHOICE to let the wounds heal. Time let's your healing possible.
^ I'm craving for a dried mango. tacos. and Dark Chocolate.
^ Hearts ache when a promise is broken. Especially in love.
^ Know when life sucks? It's when people take away something that we truly deserve for a long time.
^ why do some people curse our happiness?
Aww, why is my stomach aching for food? (haha, I'm really hungry...)

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