
First week was one hell of a ruddy ride. Such a fast-paced roller coaster; it made the world upside down. Quizzes, moving tests, demos, last-minute lectures and printing and stuff... It sometimes got in my head. Glimpses of impending exams kept flashing before my eyes, and i tried to shake them off for the entire week. Most often I manage to succeed the game of suppressing worries and unpleasant things, and I tried to keep my cool. And really, i was too tired to push a lot of those terms and chuvaness in my head--i might get crazy, or so i thought. Never mind the thought that I haven't studied a lot, as long as I tried and as long as I got some sleep. Those what really mattered to me, and i found them essential in order to keep functioning. Most of my classmates didn't get enough and/or any sleep at all, though i understood why.
Hope they'd get some sleep this weekend.
Next week will probably one of the mind-boggling scenarios of our college lives. it's a pass-or-fail-walang-patawad-ever deal. But I hope we're gonna make it 'slightly' scathed, but whole.
Whole and still on the run.

wahahaha! :D

PS: Smile always. Worrying kills.


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