
Week 2:
Finally, VSMMC! I was really looking forward to this hospital, knowing that it is the best training ground for us students because various cases of various degrees are present everyday. It's like a medical market of bustles and hustles. Our group was assigned in Ward 5 (Male Surgical Ward), and yeah, it was a busy ward.
There were many, MANY things that happened throughout that week of duty. I have learned a lot of things, and have done most of the procedures that we have returned demonstration in school. But you know what the shocking thing was?
We were the FIRST freshmen to go on duty with the higher years of different schools. And boy, they were shocked...and amazed to have us working there! The feedback we received were the words we could never forget, and they made our hearts swell with pride (but we never brought them in our heads. nah uh.)
Everything was UNBELIEVABLE.
The charts, the CASES, the therapeutic communication, the procedures, the therapies, the meds, the DIAPERS, the postmortem... everything!
And the most inspiring thing was when every time you've performed something for the patient, and you've done it well, they'd call you and say,
"THANK YOU kaayo Daie."
Whoa. That's the best thing one could hear after some hardwork! These words would compensate the weariness we feel after our shift, the pending and piling requirements we have to do when we reach our homes, and the effort we've wholly given just to meet our patients needs.

And that's one of the reaons why Nursing is such so noble, right?


Anonymous said...

duty na ka first year pa? kujawa gd! hehehe. congratz for a job well done! ;)

Anonymous said...

Yey! thanks Kyu! Yup, we have our duty na. :D