
2010 Board Exam is FAST APPROACHING.

That really sounds pretty scary, especially for those who are about to take it.

My sister, included.

Well, all we could do is to pray for their success. 100% passing grade and a landslide on the top. Char. hahaha.

Let's pray for those who will be taking the exam this July 3 and 4, 2010. May they have presence of mind, strength and enlightenment as they go through this stage. May they remember the things they studied and reviewed for the past months. May they have an undying focus as they answer the mind-boggling exam, and may they emerge unscathed and successful. May they have an unwavering faith in God, in their family and friends and in themselves.

God bless you, June 2010 Board exam takers.

Especially to CNU...
go go go!

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