
I so love CLASSICS!

I listen to classical music when I'm about to doze off and when I'm all energized for studying. The instruments are really soothing to the ears... you don't have to put in words and understand them like ordinary songs do.
In classics, you'd hear instruments playing melodiously, with meaning... with pain.. with happiness... with melancholy... with joy... with grief...

It's a song itself.

Sometimes these make me speechless. I get carried away with the notes and the graceful way everything fell into place. In the silence I learn to appreciate what was ignored, in the darkness I learn that I'm not alone...

Right now I'm listening to Yiruma's amazing compositions. If you want soft, heart-piercing music, I recommend him (also Beethoven, Chopin and the others). I like--no, love-- his River Flows in You, Love Me (waaah!) and Kiss the Rain (speechless!). The River Flows in You was played by At Liz Zosa once in school, and really, it stuck in my heart ever since. Here is an Mp3 below; you can listen to it if you want.

For more classical music suggestions, you can visit Phoebe's site. Just click her name on my 'Catching Weirdos' list.

Trust me. It isn't only Yiruma who's good (and actually the best), but also those internationally known artists and musicians too. I have more than 15 classics in the MP from various musicians, and mind you, those never failed to amuse, entertain, amaze and soothe me.

I highly recommend classics!

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