
Melodramatic Hobby
only a Bookish can Do

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.
~Charles W. Eliot

My parents introduced me to books at a very young age. The farthest memory that I've had of having a book in my little arms was when I was still 5 years old. It was a book of Astronomy, where pictures of planets and stars poked out of the kiddie book and caught my eyes. It marked the start of my liking toward the heavenly bodies and those stars beyond. It was the time that I've started to dream as an Astronaut.
But my fascination towards books did not stop there. My parents saw my liking in reading at such an age and bought me some kiddie books for me to enjoy. They encouraged me to continue reading, to enhance my knowledge, and increase my vocabularies and curiosities. They themselves are readers! I daresay it must be in the genes.
But by then I realized I could write. Not just ordinary scribbling of random words and chosen letters. I started to write diaries, short stories and poems. My Dad once teased me that I could be big one day with my skill. That I could be like him, who could publish books that could change people's life. Not wanting to be outsmarted, my Mom interjected that I could do good in playing with words, just like in Scrabble. Both of them saw what I can be... more or less.

I'm happy, though, that this habit of mine has helped me reach this spot where I wanted to be. I may be bookish, but hell, I won and conquered, I learned and I grew.
Words don't limit me. They don't stop me.

Words give me life.

Ain't that the truth. :)

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