
Il mio messaggio ai miei compagni di lotto di persona:

My message to my fellow batch mates:

It has been years, years of poignant and funny memories, boredom and excitement, relaxed and pressured moments. At last, we’re about to march on the stage and start another journey the moment we leave high school: the college life.

But we’re not saying “Bye.” No, for real goodbyes do not exist in real friendships. Our bonds, which can never be detached from each of us, will be forever remembered and treasured more than those precious diamonds one can attain from deep quarries. No, for goodbyes only mean we’re leaving everything behind without even having an intention of looking back.

What we’re going to say is “See you soon.” That’s what we call a transitory farewell; a temporary parting of ways, because we know our diverging roads will all join in one junction in the end. We’re friends, aren’t we? And friends will always be friends, no matter how far they are from each other. Distance won’t count. Time won’t either. Only the EXPONENTIAL GROWTH of our friendship will stay in this GLOBALIZED WORLD with FORCE and POWER even when fate conquers it.

“Los amigos hasta el fin, los petimetres. ¡VĂ©ale pronto!”

(Friends forever, dudes. See you soon!)

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